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How to wear black Tops and blue Jeans with white Sneakers

Get inspired with the upcoming trend for men and women to wear black tops, blue jeans with white sneakers and see outfits created for you especially.
18 SEP 2023
Black Blue White Outfits GOOFASH

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How women style the black-blue-white look trend

The trend is becoming more and more popular. You can see it everywhere in the streets this summer and beyond.

First of all there are no clear rules how to wear black tops with blue jeans and white sneakers. In the past people usally combined blue jeans and white sneakers with a white top. I want to show you how you can combine this look in the best way in my opinion. So we will take a look at black bandeaus, crop tops and tank tops. Blue jeans are timeless since decades, but styles go and trends come again. In this case I will focus on blue baggy jeans, mom jeans and high waist jeans for you. Furthermore I will show you which white sneakers you can combine with your look. Therefore I have created for you a hand-picked women look I think is one of the best combinations. A black bandeau top with a blue wide leg jeans or baggy jeans with white sporty sneakers. In combination with accessories I would keep it simple, because you already have three color tones. That’s why I have selected black stylish sunglasses and a black tote bag combined with silver hoop earrings.


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3 women look combinations with black tops, blue jeans and white sneakers

Now we will go together into details how to combine this look in the best way.

In the following section you will see a women look combined with different styles which was mentioned above. There is the same combination with black tops, blue jeans, white sneakers, black sunglasses, black bag and silver earrings. It seems like this trend is becoming more and more popular. First you have seen just a few people wearing this look, but in the meantime you see it more often. So there is happening something in the streets right now. Enjoy the women look coming next. After that we dive deeper into topic to show you some detailed styles you can use for this black-blue-white look in three possible combinations.

In case products are not available anymore you see random styles genrated below

Bandeau with baggy jeans and sneakers

I love black bandeaus, blue baggy jeans and white sneakers.

They are convenient, sexy and elegant at the same time. Blue baggy jeans from the 90’s coming bag to people in a new way. White sneakers are timeless and you can wear it in countless look combinations. So the following styles follow the same black-blue-white rule and it is great. Black bandeaus are so hot no matter with which material. Primary it has to be an eye-catcher for you and it is. Combine your look with blue baggy jeans, because it is looking great. No matter if they are ripped jeans or not. With white sneakers with some colorful elements this look will be perfect and you can wear it almost to every ocsasion. Let’s get inspired with this styles.


Crop top with mom jeans and air force

Get it cropped, combine it with mom and get the forces. Joke!

Honestly I like black crop tops in combination with blue mom jeans and white nike air forces. I think cropped tops are looking good with mom jeans. This look pleases your silhouettes and you feel simply comfortable. Furthermore white nike air forces are absolutely timeless – men and women can wear it. So this style combination you need in every case in your closet. You can discover the styles in detail now. By the way you can buy them directly.


Tank top with high waist jeans and chucks

Sporty, casual and simple at the same time. This look you will need in your wardrobe.

Are black tank tops for sports, home or other occasions? I think tank tops are universal and you can wear it almost everywhere. Combined with a blue high waist jeans you will have a wonderful look. Just put the tank top into jeans. In the best way I would combine this look with white chucks. Because chucks are timeless since the 70’s and will never go I think. Select your favorite look combinations with the following styles and buy as long as they are available.


How men combine the black-blue-white outfit trend

It is time for the men to be a man – right?! Make the best outfit compilation you can imagine.

Also for the men is the compilation between black shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers timeless. You cannot see it as much as often in comparision to the women, but it is also for the men an upcoming trend and you see more often. In the following sections will go deeper in the topic how to combine this outfit. First of all I have created for you a hand-picked and great look I think so. A simple black t-shirt with blue jeans and white sneakers. For sure some styles a little bit luxury and expensive. Combine this outfit with black aviator sunglasses, a black bag and a silver necklace. In this way you are in the best company. Enjoy the men outfit and join the styling platform to get more. Start for free.


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3 men outfit compilations with black shirts, blue jeans and white sneakers

We go deeper and deeper to show you outfits according to the current trends.

A man is simple in case of outfits, but don’t take it easy. We go through three outfit compilations with black t-shirts, tank tops and shirts. Combine them with some jeans, skinny jeans and straigth jeans. I think that is the most weared styles for men. And white sneakers don’t have to miss. That’s why I show you some sneakers, chucks and nike air forces to make your outfit perfect. In case you don’t wear no necklaces – you can have a gold or silver watch. I mean all the guys love watches in an outfit compilation. It is depending how you combine your outfit the right way, gents. Enjoy the following look and the styles after that.

In case products are not available anymore you see random styles genrated below

T-shirt with jeans and sneakers

We start with the basic outfit with a black t-shirt, blue random jeans and white sneakers. It’s soo easy.

For sure a black t-shirt is a timeless trend and will never end. Make a compilation with blue jeans and you will be in the trend. Add some white sneakers and you are done. Is this soo easy? No! The compilation of styles make the secret at the end. The case you want to make it sporty or casual? You can make it both. That’s why I have created for you some styles you can use to create your perfect outfit compilation right now and you can buy it directly.


Tank top with skinny jeans and chucks

I would make a compilation with a black tank top and blue skinny jeans with white chucks.

I think this is the best men outfit compilation. A black tank top looks simple and asocial sometimes. But in most cases a typical white one and not a black tank top. I would combine it with blue slim jeans, because it does not matter if you wear a skinny tank or an oversized tank. Both look good if you make it right. And that’s why I have selected white chucks in this outfit compilation for men. You have thight jeans and you need thight sneakers. Take a look on the styles I have selected for you and shop them immediatelly. You need them in your wardrobe again and aigain.


Shirt with straight jeans and air forces

A black shirt with blue jeans and white air forces? Is this working – Yes!

I think white nike air forces was one of the best inventions since centuries. But are looking this sneakers good with an elegant style? Yes, they do! I would recommend to wear a black shirt with blue straight jeans. Why? Because I think that looks good and the low or high nike air forces fit perfect together with this kind of jeans. So see in the last section some styles you can combine to your greatest look every. Just enjoy and don’t forget you can order them directly. Have fun!


Written by
Roman Kasischke

GOOFASH Roman Kasischke






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